Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Radiation Leakage

Nuclear power plan in Fukushima,my home town, leaks radio active substance to the air. The government warns that the people in 30km radious need to evacuate the area.
I watched the TV weatherforecast and tomorrow it will rain.
I got an email from my friend in fukushima,she distributed blankets to those evacuated from Soma-city where Tsunami took away thousands of people. My friend is a high school teacher, but she helped giving out rations and stuffs since evacuees staying in her school. Now She is on the way home under the rain.
As you may be aware, the first rain after the nuclear power plant accident is the most contaminated with radiation like Chelnobyle. I am still worrysome. She mailed me that there is no gas and no lights on the streets. Just walk to home under the rain. Lord, please help good people like her.
Today I watched a nurse straggling to care for the elderlies in the shelter. It was obvious she has's sleep. Those in the situation had sleepless night with work. I wish I can join them. I hope at least road blockage in here and there are cleared so that goods and food can reach to the people. I really feel helplesss. Lord, please help us!


Cartoon Characters said...

How are you and your family doing? Haven't heard anything from you for a long time...

maggie said...

Thank you for your commment. I really did not come back the blog
to write. too busy in real life. But I will read your blog! take care!

maggie said...

Thank you for your commment. I really did not come back the blog
to write. too busy in real life. But I will read your blog! take care!