Today my daughter E had ballet lesson. She has a lesson almost every Saturday in a nursery school. On the first Saturday of this month, E had a bad cold and she kept vomitting so that she missed the lesson. Last Sat. E's nursury had drama and dance performance . Again she missed the lesson.
E was so cheerful and lively in her ballet class today. She had sparkles in her eyes. Surely E loves to attend the ballet class. E is a type of person to express her desire clearly and strongly. When it comes to a ballet lesson , she is even clearer and strong to express her feeling . I never forget the day E had asthuma attack and the GP asked us to go to the nearest hospital with the referral.It was Saturday and E insisted on going for the lesson. We ended up seeing the lesson for a little while before going to the hospital. When one has strong desire, one can do then.
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